Niko and the Cubic Curse
Player Options
Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Niko and the Cubic Curse is a 2D Platformer where you must jump, fight, and collect to uncover the mystery of everyone’s new shape-like appearances! Play as Niko , a human who has reawaken to his new square body. He is informed that everyone in the world has been cursed, and it is up to him to find the cause and bring an end to this nightmare!
- Explore 4 unique worlds throughout your adventure! Each level will
bring a new challenge a new gameplay twist!
- You will encounter strong bosses in every world, including a special
shape-like appearance from special guest Fadel – GamesCage!
- Throughout your quest, you will come across cute and uniquely designed
characters, enemies, and NPC’s!
- The game features an original soundtrack , written by the wonderful
Lucas Ferreria and jijigri!
- You can customize Niko with different hats and colors to personalize
your journey!
Do you have what it takes to bring an end to the Cubic Curse?
Developed by
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Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |