Pearl Fishery
Player Options
Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Q. What kind of game is this?
A. In this game, you can shoot pearls to gather treasure under the mysterious Pearl Island and fire harpoons to fight off dangerous sea creatures.
Pearls can score bonuses, or they can trigger Party Time for even more
You can earn new badges and titles!
** Shoot Pearls**
Under an island where pearls are plentiful and sea creatures roam, you control
a pearl shooter that will lead you to riches...and danger.
** Bonus Blocks**
Pearls can activate bonus blocks—providing you with extra pearls and gold.
You can even get big pearls!
** Party Time**
Want to party under the sea? Trigger five of the same bonus block.
You will be rewarded with a pearl waterfall and a light show.
** Big Pearl Bonus**
Some pearls are very big. They can be collected and exchanged for a lot of
How much gold? Luck will decide.
** Earn Gold**
Push pearls off the platform to get gold. It's time to make a fortune.
** Get Treasure**
Need a place to store your gold? Put them in treasure chests and collect as
many as you can.
** Badges & Titles**
With enough treasure chests, you can level up. You will get a shiny new badge.
And a cool new title to go with it.
** Sunken Pirates**
Even as ghosts, pirates want to loot your treasure. They will take what you
have, but you can send them back to the depths!
** Giant Crab**
Sea monsters live in treacherous waters. Fight back and defeat the Giant Crab!
It'll lead you straight to The Mega Pearl.
** The Mega Pearl**
The biggest pearl of them all was rumored to be deep under Pearl Island.
No adventurer, pirate, or merchant has found it...yet.
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Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |